Saturday, October 31, 2015

Random Perrito Shit from AAA

AAA Rey de Reyes 2012

4-WAY for 2012 Rey de Reyes: Jack Evans vs. Hector Garza vs. Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs. LA Park

Oh man, what a bad match! One would probably never guess based on talent involved, but the match was truly bad, and it’s all because of AAA being the worst here. We got some solid stuff before the first elimination, which happened after Jeff Jarrett hit LA Park with a guitar. On the entrance stage far away from the ring. With fucking Karen being involved. The guitar wasn’t even smashed. Guitarshot suddenly means a killshot, after three million wrestlers kicking out of it in various places. So now the one and only LA fucking PARK has to lose like some rookie geek to advance a shitty angle? FUCK! YOU! It was all downhill from there. Ringwork blending in with shitty booking, everyone looking bad and lazy, etc. The only somewhat saving grace was Hector repeatedly interfering and messing with referee during Jack Evans’ pin attempts on Perro. That shit was legitimately funny and the only reason why I didn’t DUD this crap. Such a mess, just a vintage AAA clusterfuck.


Friday, October 30, 2015

Don’t You Dare Stare, You Better Move

CMLL 2013/11/22

Rush vs. Negro Casas

This might be the very best under-10 minute match of all time. I’ve never seen this one before, hell, I didn’t even know it existed until accidentally stumbling upon it on YouTube. And bah gawd, it’s all about Rush and 4:40 going HAM at each other in a highly violent and gruesome fashion, holy shit was this scuffle glorious or what? Negro violently charges at Rush early on, realizing it’s one of those “kill or be killed” situations where he mustn’t leave any room for his bitter enemy to breathe, show no mercy because this is a dirty war. But Rush is just way too young and strong for Negro, which means he managed to outpower him, so when he gained control he unleashed a truly rough and barbaric beating on poor Negro. What followed was one of my favorite brawling bits I have ever seen, true story, with Rush just using the 50+ year old as his own personal punchbag, and Negro selling everything like he got hit by a fucking speeding bus. It was borderline uncomfortable. But it was fantastic. This match is a “pure” pro-wrestling brawl, it was short, but they still managed to convey a relatively traditional mini-closing stretch, with dramatic counters and all. Stupendously superb tussle, such a must-see clash that really puts things into perspective when it comes to the wonderful Rush/Casas feud.


Monday, October 26, 2015

HIAC 2015 (Cherry-Picked)

WWE Hell in a Cell 2015

WWE United States Championship: Alberto del Rio vs. John Cena ©

Fuck you Alberto, you’re a prick etc. etc… The match wasn’t much, tbf. In fact, it was quite bad. These two never had anything that would resemble good chemistry, therefore, I wasn’t even disappointed. Look, I’m not bashing the match just because Alberto jumped ship, I simply thing it was uneventful and with no energy whatsoever. Cena is bad opponent for Alberto, put him in there with Roman, Cesaro and Harper. :) At least Zeb Colter did well on the mic.


Sunday, October 25, 2015


CMLL 1990/11/16

Cabellera vs. Cabellera: Pirata Morgan vs. Faraon

Totally legendary hair match, and rightfully so, because it really is fucking amazing, to the point I’m putting it right behind Casas/Bestia on an imaginary Top Apuesta Matches of the 90s list. Like, this match would be 2A and Casas/Fiera would be 2B. Yes, this match is that fucking great. And unlike most of the seen apuesta matches of that era(s), this one was worked in a hectic workrate style, as opposed to Satanico’s, Santo’s, Casas’ and Estrada’s minimalism. Pirata and Faraon basically worked the best possible workrate industrial, full of hard slams, selective flying and unbelievably awesome punches. Everything was paced perfectly, so the spots and flow were super catchy and easy to remember. I don’t recall another match where ringposts were used in a deadly manner like in this one, it was so fucking brutal and barbaric. Every time they shoved each other’s heads into it, you could feel the end approaching. Both warriors bled a lot, with Pirata bleeding much more. Everything about this match is perfect, especially the insanely dramatic closing stretch that had the crowd going wild. I loved the doctor stoppage ending, it was nice to see refs not being the ones calling a TKO for once.

Timeless classic.


Heroes Inmortales IX (Part 2)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


CMLL 57 Aniversario

Campeonato Mundial Peso Medio de NWA: Emilio Charles Jr. vs. Atlantis ©

Emilio and Atlantis had quite a rivalry back then, but I never watched any of it. I don’t even think more than two mano a manos exist on the almighty internet. Obviously this is one of them. There’s a whole bunch of trios, though, and I should hop on those soon (I hope). This match was good, really good considering the time it got. There’s a clear cut story here – Emilio can barely keep up with the crazy fast and too spirited Atlantis, hence Emilio getting annoyed and embarrassed, but he still manages to take primera by cutting off Atlanits, which gives him enough confidence to do a big dive in segunda, but that was about it, because he lost that fall, and then again the SUPER short tercera via Atlantida. I can totally see some people getting upset with Atlantis beating other luchadors so quickly in decisive falls via Atlantida, but it really puts over the move as a killshot weapon, and that dividend is paying off to this day. That’s how you protect and invest time in your character. Very good match.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Averno/Titan x4

So… I’ve always wanted to give this feud a proper watch, but just kept forgetting, smh. They faced off five times mano a mano, IIRC, and I found four matches and checked them. Can’t find the fifth one, from January 2014. Waddaya gonna do… Now, the right thing to do would be watching two or three prelude trios before every singles match to “get” the whole picture, but as of now I don’t feel like it, mainly due to its time-consuming nature.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Arena Mexico 10/16

CMLL 2015/10/16

Cabellera vs. Cabellera: Shockercito vs. Demus 3:16

Great apuesta match, as one could expect. Primera was bombastic and made sense, which is awesome because too often short primeras don’t look very compelling. Not here, though. Segunda had Demus putting his shit together and finally molesting Shockercito properly via heavy chops and nasty mini-powerhouse moves and combos. Tercera had that one great stretch of nifty back-and-forth with Shockercito executing his glorious signature moves, but all the time he was mostly focused on Demus’ shoulder as the ultimate endgame plan. It made the finish much better and emotionally engaging. Awesome little hair match, with both guys playing their characters masterfully, every fall had great finishes, and the crowd reacted amazingly on Shockercito’s key spots. Big thumbs up for this one!


Heroes Inmortales IX (Part 1)

Saturday, October 17, 2015


CMLL 2015/10/16

Campeonato Universal 2015: Atlantis vs. Ultimo Guerrero

Good match, but not good enough for this pairing. First two falls were great together, though, but tercera wasn’t versatile at all, it was just the every UG tercera ever. Totally paint by-the-numbers and they were just moving from one spot/combo to another. Why do luchadors who never do moonsaults try a moonsault against Ultimo Guerrero? Oh yeah, because UG won’t let anyone else put together a match. Also, Thunder botched a finish run-in, so there’s that.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

NOWA Feeling Like it's 2005 (that one night...)

NOAH 2015/09/19

GHC Heavyweight Championship: Takashi Sugiura vs. Minoru Suzuki ©

Well, here we go, finally something truly noteworthy coming out of this SZKG angle, because this super clash is just stupendously awesome. MiSu is such a wizard of pro-scraps, and this instant classic should serve as the example and testament of his undisputed greatness, as he carried Sugiura to his very best singles match ever. Sugiura’s been such a shit wrestler since 2011, but credit where credit is due, he was good enough here. He sold well, even exceptionally well at certain instances, his strikes finally meant something and the crowd totally bought into his potential victory. It was awesome. Unfortunately, the match still had that one or two strike battles too many, and basically that’s why I can’t give this slugfest a full boat. It’s a relatively minor nitpick, because MiSu managed to make everything Sugiura did look so good and compelling, but it’s still a nitpick that bothers me and it took away from the middle portion.

But let’s be positive here, Suzuki took all the crappy Sugiura ingredients and blended them into his masterful human chessgame elements, hence why this match turned so goddamn amazing. I loved the structure, it felt stupendously organic and natural, very easy to keep up with everything, and yet nothing felt tedious or tiresome. Quite unique match, especially for NOAH universe, and it contains the best fucking slap battle in motherfucking YEARS!
