Saturday, October 31, 2015

Random Perrito Shit from AAA

AAA Rey de Reyes 2012

4-WAY for 2012 Rey de Reyes: Jack Evans vs. Hector Garza vs. Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs. LA Park

Oh man, what a bad match! One would probably never guess based on talent involved, but the match was truly bad, and it’s all because of AAA being the worst here. We got some solid stuff before the first elimination, which happened after Jeff Jarrett hit LA Park with a guitar. On the entrance stage far away from the ring. With fucking Karen being involved. The guitar wasn’t even smashed. Guitarshot suddenly means a killshot, after three million wrestlers kicking out of it in various places. So now the one and only LA fucking PARK has to lose like some rookie geek to advance a shitty angle? FUCK! YOU! It was all downhill from there. Ringwork blending in with shitty booking, everyone looking bad and lazy, etc. The only somewhat saving grace was Hector repeatedly interfering and messing with referee during Jack Evans’ pin attempts on Perro. That shit was legitimately funny and the only reason why I didn’t DUD this crap. Such a mess, just a vintage AAA clusterfuck.


AAA TripleMania XXI

Cabellera vs. Cabellera: Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs. Cibernetico

Such a goddamn mess. Clusterfuck. The big positives were stiff, barbaric chairshots and juicy bladejobs (especially Perro’s, that one was INSANE), but everything else was AAA booking themselves and these two into a corner. They worked a shitty “Americanized” brawl, WWE style, with plodding weapon spots and constant interferences. A lot of fucking time was spent on setting up the hardcore spots here. And with seconds constantly interfering, the match was basically a 3-on-2 handicap. There was a plethora of spots with sloppy execution and bad timing. And the strange thing is, the crowd was entertained by all of it, they were just overwhelmed by the fact they’re watching two huge and charismatic stars main-eventing the biggest show of the year, there were dueling “Perro” and “Ciber” chants throughout the entire duration. It’s a double-edged sword, sometimes you’ll witness wrestlers going the extra mile based on crowd energy, and sometimes they’ll just phone it in. Here, the latter happened, unfortunately, and when you combine it with AAA’s insane booking, you get this as a result.


AAA TripleMania XX

Megacampeonato de AAA: Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs. Mesias ©

What I said about Perro/Ciber is also applicable here, true story. More or less, the complaints are pretty much the same, except this one had fewer interferences and only Perro doing a bladejob. And there was some actual wrestling. But otherwise, this was another disappointing AAA/Perrito clusterfuck.


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