Monday, July 7, 2014

TAJIRI's WNC + Kash/Aries

WNC 2013/3/31

Satoshi Kajiwara vs. TAJIRI

What a cool match, TAJIRI took Kajiwara to school, and then some more. You’ll rarely see someone using the most basic pillars of pro-wrestling like this, it’s like TAJIRI studied the rulebook from A to Z and then decided to troll the shit out of his opponent. Can’t wait to see TAJIRI in W-1 full time.


WNC 2013/3/31

Zeus vs. Osamu Nishimura

So basically, Zeus is trying to play the Japanese version of Scott Steiner. Okay… I can live with that. However, most of the time he was dull on offense here, but thankfully his opponent was Nishimura, one mean and tough motherfucker. He brought out the maximum here in order to save the match, and he pulled it off. Dat finish!


WNC 2013/3/31

WNC Championship: Emil Sitoci vs. AKIRA ©

The first half was not particularly interesting, I mean technically it was alright, it just lacked emotion. But the second half is where it is, Sitoci’s legwork finally started paying off, they structured and paced it well enough. Good little title match with a strong finish.


TNA Final Resolution 2011


TNA X Championship: Kid Kash vs. Austin Aries ©

So, I rewatched this cute little heel/heel match, didn’t regret it at all. Negative things first: Impact Zone, ohhh, those sacks of shit who pretend they’re fans… Oh my god, they’re so dead, pardon moment here and there. Of course Tenay’s gonna try to cover for them by saying that both competitors are bad guys not worth rooting for, lel… FUCK YOU! There were also one or two dry moments, but overall this was a fun match with two guys trying to outcheat and outsmart each other. Sheeeeit, Aries’ title reign was so good back then, it kind of revitalized the division for awhile.


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