Friday, February 6, 2015

DDT Sweet Dreams 2015 (Greatness)

Sweet Dreams 2015


4.       Toru Owashi & Kazuki Hirata vs. Antonio Honda & Great Kojika

Poor Dancing K got himself a nice brand new GO! glasses, but somehow it always ends up being stolen by someone else, which means the absolute highlight of everything I’ve ever seen in my life was Great Kojika jammin’ to Go Tokyo and laying some smackdown on everyone in the ring. Good times.


5.       Super Sasadango Machine vs. Sanshiro Takagi

Naturally, Sasadango’s pre-match PowerPoint presentation lasted longer than the actual match, hehe. He talks about having zero percent chances of beating Kazushi Sakuraba in Saitama, but after he defeats Takagi, it’s gonna boost his confidence and chances to 25%. He also said many, many other things, lol, I have no idea what exactly, something about previous big battles he lost, something about the future, whatever the fuck, lol, there were stats, graphics and shit. Vintage Sasadango. Korakuen adored it. The match itself was a giant weird WAT that I enjoyed immensely.


6.       NO ROPE ESCAPE for DDT Extreme Championship: Makoto Oishi vs. Akito ©

You can always count on Akito in singles competition, and his current Extreme Title reign is all kinds of awesome, the guy loves his old school strategic and ground based wrestling and his title reign gimmick is based on it. The Honda defense was absolutely sensational, and while this one didn’t quite reach those levels of awesomeness, it was still pretty damn nifty on its own way. They built things beautifully and focused mostly on each other’s legs. The only thing that slightly bothered me was two cases of too obvious overcooperation early in the match, but no biggie there really, I might even be nitpicking, lol. The match was built very well, the climax was awesome and they used the ropes effectively, reminded me a lot of the classic ROH Pure Championship bouts. Yet another great Akito match, dude’s fantastic and severely underrated, he’s just so fucking awesome.


7.       Kota Ibushi, Daisuke Sekimoto, Yuji Okabayashi vs. HARASHIMA, Konosuke Takeshita, Tetsuya Endo

Here we go, two big upcoming title matches combined into one awesome Korakuen 6-man tag, shades of New Japan and classic All Japan right there, this felt big and the guys delivered on every front. The most important thing is – they built their drama, they took time and made sure everything mattered, there were at least two superb face-in-peril sequences on Endo and Takeshita, there were some intriguing subplots such as Takeshita trying to German Suplex Sekimoto, all those things were built properly and added so much to the match, hence the finishing stretch being truly brilliant. Fantastic match loaded with detailed storytelling, must-see 6-man tag.


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