Monday, September 1, 2014

Big Japan in Korakuen: Shinobu/Sekimoto in a Stellar Main Event


1.      The Brahmans (Shu & Kei) vs. Masaya Takahashi & Takayuki Ueki

Harmless, loony fun. Ueki’s character is pure comedy gold sometimes.


2.      Speed of Sounds (Tsutomu Oosugi & Hercules Senga) vs. MEN’S Teioh & Atsushi Maruyama

This was way more light-hearted than expected, and not in a particularly good way. What a waste of Maruyama.


3.      Ryuichi Kawakami & Masato Inaba vs. Kohei Sato & Hideyoshi Kamitani

Damn! I was really looking forward to see Kohei smack people silly, but the video is no good motherfucker, such a travesty.


4.      Ikkitousen 2014 ~ Strong Climb ~ Block B: Kazuki Hashimoto vs. Manabu Soya

Soya thrives in Big Japan like nowhere else, and I’ve really learned to appreciate him this year. He’s a perfect match for the style, as evidenced here once again. And what about K-HASH, you say? Well, he’s turned into a super reliable wrestler and pretty much the Top 10 WOTY material, immense guy.


5.      Ryuji Ito, Jaki Numazawa, Masashi Takeda vs. Yankee Nichokenju (Yuko Miyamoto & Isami Kodaka) & Kankuro Hoshino

Super fast deathmatch, seriously, the pace was frantic but coherent. Takeda is the man. Hoshino can be a good deathmatch underdog when he tones down the unnecessary comedy.


6.      Ikkitousen 2014 ~ Strong Climb ~ Block A: Shuji Ishikawa vs. Shinya Ishikawa

Shuji is a proven badass behemoth and big pain in the ass for entire Big Japan roster. First he dominated the DM Division for a whole year, now he’s trying to do the same with Strong and Tag Divisions, and he’s pretty damn successful so far. Shinya is the Strong Champion, and if anyone stands a chance against the big bad bruiser, it’s him. Great match with a logical and effective layout and strategies.


7.      Ikkitousen 2014 ~ Strong Climb ~ Block B: Shinobu vs. Daisuke Sekimoto

One of the pillars of puroresu is rigid hierarchy and long character arcs about improving your game and climbing up the totem pole, it usually takes years to achieve it, but when it finally arrives, the payoff is beautiful. WHAT A MATCH!


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