Thursday, December 4, 2014

Real World Tag League 11/16

Real World Tag League 2014


3.      Ryuji Hijikata & Masayuki Mitomi vs. Kotaro Suzuki & Yohei Nakajima

Good prelude to Hijikata/Kotaro for the TV Title. Hijikata’s been growing on me lately with his natural intensity and fire.


4.      RWTL 2014: KENSO & Mitsuya Nagai vs. Kengo Mashimo & Tank Nagai

Some moments were good/great, but overall I wasn’t feeling this, I didn’t connect with the rhythm. Decent match, nothing more.


5.      RWTL 2014: Big Guns (Zeus & The Bodyguard) vs. Akebono & Yutaka Yoshie

Two big jacked dudes and two big fat dudes smacking each other and measuring their dicks, that’s some top notch entertainment. Akebono was in a particular beast mode and Zeus is just incredibly strong.


6.      RWTL 2014: Atsushi Aoki & Hikaru Sato vs. Go Shiozaki & Kento Miyahara

Ouch, this hurts. On paper the match sounded truly incredible, two great teams from different weight classes, the story writes itself, but unfortunately the execution was off here. I don’t mean it in the technical manner, but in the narrative one, because rare were the parts where you could feel you’re watching a HW/Junior match, dynamics were all wrong, they were practically booked as the equals, and in traditional AJPW puroresu universe, it’s kind of wrong. It wouldn’t be wrong in DDT, Dragon Gate and W-1 universes, but here – it’s definitely wrong. Instead of Juniors digging very fucking deep to survive the heavyweight hawks, we got the parity wrestling, Baba is rolling over in his grave.


7.      RWTL 2014: Burning Wild (Jun Akiyama & Takao Omori) vs. Suwama & Joe Doering

Grumpy bastards Akiyama and Omori ambush the Evolution muscles during their in-ring ritual and shit is on – we got intense and heated brawling so it was clear right off the bat the match would be short, and it was, they wrapped it up after 6 minutes, in a totally compelling fashion too. It was a good and understandable decision considering the semi-main lasted 30 minutes.


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