Thursday, December 18, 2014

Violent Lucha Is Good For Your Health

IWRG 2009/8/27

Villano III & Scorpio Jr. vs. Sangre Chicana & Head Hunter I

Hate, hate and more hate, this is a good old lucha sangrienta with four mean old fucks trying to desecrate each other. Villano and Chicana, Scorpio and Head Hunter, that’s the layout here, and let me tell you something, the latter pairing turned out to be just as great as the former. HH is basically a disgusting bladder radiating the menacing Abdullah the Butcher vibe, sure he’s old and slow, but he’s also thirsty for blood and quick enough to throw a vicious punch or two, or to pound in a fork in your head. That image is going to stay with me for awhile, mos def. The Villano/Chicana thing was, well, you fucking know it – hide your children, everyone, because these two malefactors are about to bring some mayhem.


IWRG 2009/9/3

Villano III vs. Sangre Chicana

One week later, here we are, this was simply a crazy bloody brawl, a throwback to the old school lucha slugfests from the 70s and 80s where the wrestlers made the most out of the simplest stuff. Less is more indeed. Chicana ambushes Villano in a good old rudo fashion and proceeds to dominate the primera relentlessly, even using a grater on Villano’s alien-from-Star-Trek carved forehead. I know Chicana’s most famous matches have him working a phenomenal FIP sessions and selling his opponent’s offense like a very violent death, but here he mauled the motherfucking Villano III and it was pretty damn glorious. The crowd hates Chicana and he hates them back. Obviously VIII returned the “favor” in the segunda by making a big comeback terrorizing SC back, although this time it was more back-and-forth between the surly crazy fucks. Blood and punches, alls I’m sayin. After the match Villano challenged SC to a hair match, but unfortunately it never happened, for whatever reasons, fucking shame right there.


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