Tuesday, September 22, 2015

AAA 09/10

AAA 2015/09/10

Taya, Gran Apache, Hiedra vs. Faby Apache, Argenis, Goya Kong

God bless these awesome AAA openers. They’re always good, fun, vivid and colorful, all the different luchadors appearing make for endlessly interesting dynamics. This match was no different. Rudo iso beatdowns, Taya being a badass skank bitch to everyone, the Apache on Apache hate, Argenis having no problems with punching Hiedra right in her mouth, etc. Great shit. Goya Kong once again delivered in tugboats, she’s so awesome and beloved by the fans, legit one of the most charismatic female wrestlers in over a decade. For some reason I can’t stop smiling every time she goes on offense and starts using her weight as a deadly weapon of destruction.


AAA 2015/09/10

Texano Jr. & Hijo del Fantasma vs. Psycho Clown & Murder Clown

Excellent match full of healthy and surly heat, it felt natural considering the history between Psycho and Texano. Everybody worked hard like a horse here, and the MVP was none other than Murder Clown. Yes, him! His style is unique in AAA because he’s so big and uses powerhouse moves, and here he meshed very well with Texano and Fantasma. The latter obviously did his amazing tope, but it was a friendly fire on Texano. Neat! The crowd was red hot for this match, it was action-packed and honestly I’d like to see every possible pairing coming from this one, including another round of Psycho/Texano.


AAA 2015/09/10

Mesias, Brian Cage, Hijo del Pirata Morgan vs. Parka, Drago, Fenix

Hey, a Parka match with him being something more than a non-factor! And it was really good! Honestly, his match-up with Mesias was best, I loved how the latter just charged at him right away, it felt like he suddenly got a Vietnam-like flashback of the mask loss from years and years ago. It was pretty great and intense, with lots of jabs, uppercuts and dirty cheating. These two are not afraid of punching other people right in the nose. Cage looks fucking ripped, more than ever, I reckon. He’s not at his biggest, but rather it seems he finally realized it’s not about just building tons of muscles, it’s about shaping them properly. He finally got it, yay! His stuff with Drago and Fenix was a nice homage to Lucha Underground, and Pirata did his regular thing, which is always good. This was a damn fine match!


AAA 2015/09/10

Myzteziz, Pentagon Jr., Joe Lider vs. Rey Mysterio Jr., Angelico, Jack Evans

Relatively short and stripped, but still very good due to brute force of the talent involved. They brawled in early parts, tecnicos made their hope spots and comeback, Lider’s staplegun gimmick was played once again, we got another round of Rey-Rey/Myzteziz, etc. Entertaining enough, I just wish they got more time to add a chapter or two, maybe with more 1-on-1 match-ups in the middle stretch.


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