Sunday, November 30, 2014

AAA 11/28: Good Shit

AAA 2014/11/28

Hell Brothers (Cibernetico, Averno, Chessman) vs. Psycho Circus (Psycho Clown, Murder Clown, Monster Clown)

Probably the best U-10 match of the year, so brilliant in its simplicity, it started with the Brothers ambushing the Circus and mauling them for next 4-5 minutes with punches, stomps, chairs, double and triple team maneuvers, etc. It was a really compelling beatdown which made an inevitable Circus return much more effective, once the clowns took over it was a total demolition of the rudo trio which led straight to the finish. So there you go, an eternal, classic lucha brawl structure that always works with good wrestlers. The clowns are still crazy over, btw, it’s insane.


AAA 2014/11/28

Pentagon Jr. & Zema Ion vs. Myzteziz & Fenix

Good match, the high spots were well paced, would’ve been even better with one or two over synchronized spots less. Zema looks like he belongs in AAA.


AAA 2014/11/28

LUCHA CALLEJERA: Texano Jr. vs. Patron

Park and Wagner these two are not, they chose not to beat each other super silly, they worked a low bump style, but still – the story is all that matters, and they told it well. The match was overbooked and with a dirty finish, of course, but that’s the charm here, nice build to the Guerra de Titanes title showdown.


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