Tuesday, August 11, 2015

CMLL Bastante Nuevo

CMLL 2015/07/17

Mistico, Valiente, Dragon Lee vs. Negro Casas, Mephisto, Ephesto

Wow, Arena Mexico casuals fucking loathe Mistico II. I mean, sure, he always gets some heat, but this is not your usual Friday night Arena Mexico event, no, this one has a huge ass crowd and they boo him every single time, no matter how much he bumps around. Children and women would cheer his dives and ‘ranas, but they’re outvoiced very fast by adult males. This match was kind of weird, it was all over the place and it produced both good and not so good moments. Negro Casas still did his thing, though, and it was great, loved the early matwork with Lee. Speaking of Lee, he was kind of non-contributor here, which is a strange (CMLL!) way to present your hot new tecnico. He also got some hate, especially after that one botch, lol. The endgame was Mistico vs. Casas, the battle of the captains, and obviously the crowd was heavily pro-Casas.


CMLL 2015/07/17

Ingobernables (Rush, Sombra, Marco Corleone) vs. Atlantis, Volador Jr., Diamante Azul

Helluva mixture of brawling and high flying. It’s only logical (not really) that CMLL once again pushed the Sombra vs. Volador beef, they both pinned each other to resume their rivalry for the nth time. At least Rush beating the shit out of tecnicos felt fresh and satisfying. Dude’s crazy good, felt so awesome watching him harass the old man Atlantis. Marco and Azul were perfect sidekicks here. They did a big style match, we saw some dangerous flying, ramp slams, entrance stage fighting, etc. Nasty match that totally delivered.


CMLL 2015/07/13

Astral, Electrico, Shockercito vs. Sauron, Espiritu Maligno, Mini Joker

Relatively short, but they managed to get the most out of it. Great rudos/tecnicos dynamics, slick work, good match. Shockercito is amazing.


CMLL 2015/07/13

Super Porky, Fuego, Stigma vs. Pierroth, Puma, Bobby Zavala

A Super Porky match, featuring Pierroth. Smh… At least the other four did some of their stuff, which was cool.


CMLL 2015/07/13

Campeonato Mundial Peso Ligero del CMLL: Kamaitachi vs. Dragon Lee ©

Another great match from these two, it’s hardly surprising. Not on the level of their apuesta slugfest, but certainly an awesome clash on its own way. Their chemistry and all the martial arts strikes, kicks and tricks combined with freaky athleticism looked so awesome in the gritty Arena Puebla. It’s not a high-end shit due to tercera missing that trademark lucha touch of graciousness, but still an excellent match that’s a must-see, especially if you like the competitors.


CMLL 2015/07/13

Rush, Marco Corleone, Maximo vs. Euforia, Rey Bucanero, Terrible

Lazy and totally heatless primera, silly and short segunda, really good tercera. Best moment of the match was Marco and Terrible doing awesome exchanges and Marco throwing two beautiful left hooks at him and Bucanero.


CMLL 2015/07/17

Cabellera vs. Cabellera: Ultimo Guerrero vs. Rey Escorpion

Whoa, what a great, great match! Well sure, I did expect something around ****, but they did even better. First two falls were a perfect mixture of street fight boxing and bar fighting, with few pro-wrestling moves in between. They hit each other so hard, to the point where UG got his nose busted open. Sheeeeit, man, I can’t remember the last time I saw someone throwing pure, totally illegal punches in series. That was very nasty and very cool. Best thing is, both falls felt purposeful, complete and rich. Tercera had your typical big CMLL match structure, but they derived as much as they could out of it, and selling was excellent. I do wish they worked some things differently, but I won’t complain here. It was as good as it gets with “my turn, your turn” CMLL mantra. As great as Rey Escorpion was at playing a badass rudo, this was the UG show, people attended Arena Mexico to see him taking his hated rival’s big hair, they were 100% behind him and it made for an amazing, electrifying atmosphere. UG is such an incredible big match worker.


CMLL 2015/08/04

MATCH RELAMPAGO: Fuego vs. Tiger

Your standard MR when you have two good wrestlers in there, with some fine chain/counter llaves at the beginning that builds to bigger moves later. No complaints here.


CMLL 2015/08/03

Volador Jr. vs. Sombra

Again these two… CMLL has no shame, they will milk this series to death, you just know it… But there is one huge upside in this one – first two falls got 6 and a half minutes combined, which is way more than usual with these two. Success! Both primera and segunda made some actual sense. Tercera was your typical Volador/Sombra thing with big and crazy moves, especially daredevil highspots. Volador might be a highly flawed luchador sometimes, but there’s one thing you can’t take away from him – technical precision, especially for hurricanranas and shit like that. He always hits those perfectly. Plus the crowds love him and are into his comeback spots, so what do I know… Sombra was also really good with his Ingobernable shtick, he always finds new ways to inject some first class trolling and stalling into his matches, gotta love it.


CMLL 2015/07/28

Peste Negra (Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas, Cavernario) vs. Atlantis, Mascara, Titan

Really fun match. The key for success was to limit Niebla and keep his ringtime to the minimum, and they did exactly that in key parts. All he did in first two falls was throwing few slaps around and catching Titan’s dive. He was involved in the match finish, but luckily that went shockingly well. All the other usual suspects delivered. Atlantis is a pro’s pro.


CMLL 2015/07/28

Guerrero Maya Jr., Delta, Fuego vs. Rey Escorpion, Dragon Rojo Jr., Hechicero

Ridiculously fun trio with each fall getting enough time to tell amusing stories. The rudo team was amazing here, and while Rey and Hech are proven classes, it was Dragon Rojo bossing around that really caught my attention. There were three or four moments where he busted out some beautiful heel antics that are so simple to the core, yet so effective even in 2015. When done right, of course. Fuck, I borderline hated the guy during his tecnico run, but as a rudo he fucking rules the world, highly underrated wrestler.


CMLL 2015/07/28

Marcela, Vaquerita, Skadi vs. Amapola, Dalys, Zeuxis

Good, vivid, fast paced and hard-hitting match. Every time I watched the CMLL ladies this year, they delivered. Dalys was great.


CMLL 2015/07/20

Mascara vs. Mascara: Lestat vs. King Jaguar

Considering I’ve never watched these two relatively obscure luchadors before, this match was good enough, at least judging from the way TV editing presented it. I’d say they overdelivered, if that makes any sense. First two falls were REALLY good but tercera was kind of… awkward, but not totally bad to the point of ruining the match. If I never see Jaguar wrestle again, I won’t be any sad, but Lestat seems like a cool dude worth checking out here and there.


CMLL 2015/07/20

Hechicero, Okumura, Bobby Zavala vs. Triton, Fuego, Stigma

Very exciting match where once again every caida got enough time, which is great. As usually, we got some really nifty mat wrestling at the beginning with each guys getting an opportunity to display their llaves skills, then the rudos were dominating the majority of the first two caidas and it was smashing. Hechicero is simply the best at trolling/taunting the crowds. Tercera was superb with all the back-and-forth, drama and huge highspots. Once again CMLL midcard delivers big time, this was an excellent trio clash.


CMLL 2015/07/20

Blue Panther, Valiente, Angel de Oro vs. Hijos del Infierno (Mephisto, Ephesto, Luciferno)

Killer little 12 min long trio where they squeezed in a little bit of everything, with the best thing being the opening Panther/Ephesto matfest. The usual dives and isos were nice as always, rudos/tecnicos dynamic was strong which resulted in a swank little match.


CMLL 2015/07/28

Campeonato Mundial Semi-Completo de CMLL: Polvora vs. Angel de Oro ©

This was very long for CMLL standards, but I enjoyed just about every moment of it. For example, Volador and Sombra WISH they could have a match like this together. First two falls were six minutes long combined and once again CMLL did the right thing in letting the wrestlers develop stories during the opening minutes instead of just quick wins. Both falls were rich and purposeful, with strong finishes. Tercera was really long, but it wasn’t a total spotfest. And while there was indeed a tugboat of big moves, dives and kickouts, it didn’t feel cheap, au contraire, it was far from it. They sold everything nicely, and due to all the previous grueling physical work, it felt more than deserved. Amazing drama. If you pay attention, you’ll notice a nifty little touch or three during all the pin attempts and holds. These guys know their techniques. They even did a New Japan fighting spirit sequence better than New Japan.

What a superb match, wonderful, one of the very best this year. I used to dislike Angel de Oro, but not anymore, heeeeell no!


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