Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lucha Underground: Episode 35

Episode 35
aired: 2015/7/8

 Previously on LU, focusing on Catrina's brigade of the undead, Alberto/Mundo beef and Pentagon.

Somehwere in what looks like a samurai room, Pentagon is parlaying with a mysterious figure who seems to be his Maestro. Sacrifices need to be made. Vampiro, beware!

Mack/Cage was really good, they worked a gnarly smackfest with lots of powerhouse moves, I liked it a lot. In PWG they'd probably get 19 minutes and they'd go into an overkill, but here, it was a perfectly fine TV style match.

Catrina and her TITS ambush Son of Havoc in a changing room. The Disciples of Death are coming for the Trios straps soon. But first, he's gonna face Mil Muertes tonight! Enter supernatural powers, Ivelisse and Angelico, campy slapstick comedy 101, awesome shit.

Okay, Vampiro has a sitdown interview with - PENTAGON! Shit's super intense, Vampiro apologizes but Penty is trolling him hard. He wants him at Ultima Lucha. Great segment.

MM/Havoc was damn good, MM works so well with smaller guys and this match was no exception. He took the Fenix route with Havoc and it was awesome, also Havoc's comeback spots were believable and cool. I love how the match basically turned into an angle (Disciples, Catrina, Angelico, Ivelisse) without hurting the quality. Catrina is so ridiculously hot.

Hm, Texano is in the ring for a rare Lucha Underground in-ring promo. He's Mexican cheater and asskicker, and he's sure as hell proud of it! Spanglish FTW! He's totally beloved by the Temple now. He wants Chavo at Ultima Lucha, but here come Castro and Cisco who ambush him from behind, Blue Demon Jr. comes for what looked like a save at first, but he quickly nails Texano with a chairshot, turning RUDO in process. He makes him bleed, and they're facing off at Ultima Lucha! This is why LU is the very best at serial storytelling, Demon's rudo turn was an excellent payoff to the last week's ending segment with Chavo. Stirring the pot worked!

The atomico match was borderline great, we had brawling, high flying, everything. Alberto/Mundo was the main story, obviously, but we got endless other combos, with both past and present beefs. I love atomicos, especially when they're sprints, it's eight bodies in the ring and the pacing is usually mesmerizing, with tons of quick little match-ups. This was some very good shit right there.

As Striker and Vamp were caping off the show, Pentagon suddenly sucker-kicked Vamp's head from behind, after emerging from through the crowd. He poured Vamp with gasoline and threatened to burn him alive if he doesn't accept his challegne for Ultima Lucha. He gives him exactly one week. Awesome.

  1. The Mack vs. Cage ***1/2
  2. Mil Muertes vs. Son of Havoc ***3/4
  3. Team Alberto (Alberto el Patron, Sexy Star, Aerostar, Drago) vs. Team Johnny (Johnny Mundo, Hernandez, Jack Evans, Super Fly) ***3/4

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